Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Truth Behind Mobile Text Messaging

The Truth Behind Mobile Text Messaging

Mobile text messaging appears to be the future of advertising. I've received a few and actually they made me mad because I didn't think I gave anyone permission to send it to me. I've gotten more familiar with mobile text messaging. I think it is a great setup especially for small businesses.There is a number that a customer can call, usually a five digit number, and get on a businesses text list. All a business has to do, once they're subscribed to such a text provider service, is provide a key word for the customer to put in their text messaging box on their phone and the business will immediately reply with a thank you type message and usually with a fantastic offer. If the customer shows this response on their cell device when they come to the business they get this great offer.

Is This Legal?

If one gets a text message and one doesn't want to receive it anymore all they have to do is type STOP in their message box and re-send the message. This is clearly stated at the end of each mobile text advertisement and required by the FTC.

How Can I Get Mobile Text Messaging?

There are provider services out there that are extremely inexpensive in doing these texts for a business. Here is one I really like:


There are lots of ways mobile text messaging can work for a business. Most messages you see now are from big companies trying to help you pay your debts. This company,

http://live.yeptext.com/promocode/yaptext is really designed for the small business owner in mind. Small businesses like local eateries or ice cream/yogurt places can get their customers to type in their number and receive a percentage off or a buy one get one free coupon on their mobile device. All the customer has to do then is show at the business, show the device coupon and the discount is applied. There are no coupons for the customer or the business owner to keep up with.

Do People Really Read These Advertisements?

Statistics show that 97% of people see their text message. I would personally think it would be 100%! Most people keep their phones on them and many would rather lose their wallet than their phone. Just think how effective a text messaging advertisement is when 97% of the people who receive ones ad actually read it? That's a lot higher than a radio, television, or newspaper ad and much cheaper. It's even much higher than an email. Email is often read, but not immediately or even the same day it is received. The same goes with facebook and twitter.

I know of a small, private dress shop that uses mobile text messaging for slow days. If they are having a very slow day they will text their customer base and tell them to come in today and receive 30% off a pair of expensive jeans. They say it has been extremely successful.